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Sepura joins the Digital Mobile Radio Association

Published on 17/08/2010

Cambridge, 17th August 2010 – Sepura, a global leader in the design, manufacture and supply of digital private mobile radios, announces it has joined the Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Association.

DMR is a digital radio standard specified for professional mobile radio (PMR) users developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), and first ratified in 2005. The DMR standard has numerous benefits both in comparison to legacy analogue systems and to other digital approaches. DMR is currently used in over 100 countries across Asia, the Middle East, Europe, North and Latin America, Africa and Australasia.

“Following a thorough strategic review of the Private Mobile Radio market, the emergence of DMR and its significant synergies with TETRA, we have made the decision to add DMR products to our extensive range of TETRA radios” says Jens Thostrup, SVP — Sales and Marketing for Sepura.

“We believe we are in a strong position to address the DMR market as we are a leading, independent global supplier and manufacturer of TETRA radios. Moving into the DMR market is a logical progression for Sepura, as we are focused on understanding and meeting customers’ requirements and leading the promotion of interoperability through all ETSI-based PMR standards”.

Thostrup continues and concludes: “In addition to broadening our horizons and giving us new and exciting challenges, embracing this new technology will also double the size of our addressable market. This new endeavour will progress in parallel with our continuous commitment towards the TETRA market, where we are one of the undisputed leading global suppliers”.

About Sepura
Sepura is an independent global leader in the design, manufacture and supply of digital private mobile radios, which are predominantly used by the emergency services, transport, utilities and commercial sectors worldwide.
Founded in the UK in 2002, Sepura has rapidly expanded across the world with a network of regional partners in over 90 countries that sell and support locally its market-leading products. Sepura not only offers a broad and innovative range of products but is also leading the open market philosophy by driving interoperability between different vendors.
Based in Cambridge, England, and employing some 300 people across the business, the Company was admitted to the Official List of the London Stock Exchange in August 2007.



19 August 2010 15:03:06 Posted by AnatolPW, Author/source: -

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